A202745 Female Tricolor German Shepherd Dog mix Stray 6/17/15 off hold 6/21/15…

By Garland Animal Shelter-Volunteer Page

A202745 Female Tricolor German Shepherd Dog mix
Stray 6/17/15 off hold 6/21/15
GARLAND (TEXAS) ANIMAL SHELTER 972-205-3570, Press option 4 – To tag for your rescue, email ID number of the animal, and a description to rescue@garlandtx.gov. ***It is very important to contact the shelter BEFORE the animal is off hold. Emails need to be sent to the shelter BEFORE 7AM on the day the animal is off hold. You can prepay the adoption for an animal. Contact the shelter for details. THIS IS A VOLUNTEER MANAGED PAGE WE DO NOT WORK AT THE SHELTER
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Source: Garland Animal Shelter Volunteer Page